Our Planet

We strive to reduce our impact on the planet and make a positive impact on the industry. We’ve aligned our approach with the Net Zero Carbon Events to leave a positive imprint at every event.

Our Carbon Footprint

Every year, we collect extensive data from our business units, events and venues around the world. These systematic surveys are critical to identifying energy- and emission-intensive areas. Through targeted analysis of this data, we can effectively define specific reduction potentials and plan measures to reduce our environmental impact.

To improve the accuracy of our data collection, we collaborate with myclimate. This partnership allows us to benefit from their expertise in CO₂ calculations and environmental analytics. Furthermore, myclimate assists us in developing an effective reduction path. We also work with KPMG to provide limited assurance of our sustainability data in the report. This collaboration ensures that our data and reporting meet the highest standards and are trustworthy.


data points calculate our carbon footprint


calculated events and art fairs


total tons of CO₂e emissions


calculated scopes

Our Reduction Pathway

MCH Group is committed to defining a global reduction pathway in line with the Paris Agreement and to setting emission reduction targets in accordance with the Science-Based Targets initiative (SBTi).

More information on our sustainability

Our Approach

We incorporate sustainability criteria into our management decisions, internal processes, investments, supply chain, products and services. Our clear governance structure ensures that our processes and practices are fair and transparent.

Our Community

We invest in our people to improve our industry’s culture and make a positive impact in the communities we live and work in.

Our Impact

We aim to leave a positive impact on the economic and political landscapes of all the locations where we operate.

Our Sustainability Report 2023

With our sustainability report, we demonstrate our commitment to transparency and sustainability, optimize operational processes, reduce risks, and ensure compliance with Swiss laws.