The substantial easing of restrictions announced by the Federal Council on 23 June came too late for the hospitality industry, which was hoping to present itself in all its diversity at Messe Basel in November. “We would have loved to give the industry the real-world interaction it has been longing for. But our exhibitors and associations need long planning and lead times for their individual stand concepts, combined with considerable investments. Despite MCH offering innovative new presentation options and more flexible terms of participation, and although the situation in general is developing positively, the financially badly hit hospitality sector simply does not have the long-term planning certainty it needs for Igeho 2021 at the present time,” says Judith Krepper, Brand Director and Head of the Hospitality Segment. In consultation with the Advisory Board, MCH today reached the conclusion that there is no guarantee that a representative platform for the industry can be provided this November. Judith Krepper adds: “Our exhibitor and visitor surveys and co-creation workshops with exhibitors in March and April 2021 have shown that the breadth and depth of the range of products and services on offer is crucial to the relevance of Igeho.”

At the meeting of the Igeho Advisory Board on 30 June 2021, the representatives of the exhibitors and associations affirmed their full support of MCH and Igeho. Stephan Hirt, Igeho Advisory Board member and Managing Director of Schwob AG confirmed: “Igeho was and is more than ever a reflection of the Swiss food service and hotel industry. We are therefore convinced that it makes sense to look to a successful relaunch of Igeho in autumn 2023, when the sector has recovered from the crisis and can reap the full benefit of the undeniable strengths of a real-world platform.” The next edition of Igeho will be held in the accustomed form in parallel with the new industry meeting place for the food processing sector, Lefa, in Basel in November 2023.
New formats and initiatives in planning
The Igeho team is now focusing on conceptualising and developing additional live formats in the coming year, in parallel to the preparations for Igeho and Lefa in autumn 2023. The already established Igeho podcast “Hosting the Hosts” by and with Andrin Willi will continue to be broadcast on the second Monday of the month. In addition, a digital initiative by Igeho for facilitating networking in the industry is already at an advanced stage, details of which will be provided shortly.
Contacts for the media
Benjamin Müller, Marketing and Communications Manager Igeho
T +41 58 206 22 56
Judith Krepper, Brand Director Igeho
T +41 58 206 22 85