Powertage 2024 Concludes with Success in Zurich

Last week marked the conclusion of another successful edition of Powertage in Zurich. The event, which ran from June 4 to 6, 2024, featured 150 exhibitors showcasing innovative solutions for a sustainable energy future. More than 2000 professional visitors utilized the industry platform to engage in discussions on current economic topics, explore emerging trends and innovations, and expand their professional networks.

Innovative Exhibitions and Expert Lectures

During the three days of Powertage, participants experienced a variety of innovative exhibitions and lectures. More than 150 exhibitors showcased their latest products and technologies, while expert lectures and practical best-practice sessions provided valuable insights into the current developments and trends in the energy sector.

Specialized Forums and Discussions

The event also featured specialized forums and intense discussions focusing on essential topics such as infrastructure and efficiency. Experts like Konrad Zöschg from Swissgrid and Benoît Revaz from BFE emphasized the importance of digitalization and pragmatic regulation for the future of energy supply. Various keynotes and panel discussions presented strategies and projects aimed at achieving more efficient use of existing infrastructures and the further development of electricity laws.

Powertage 2024 | Forum Powertage

Networking and Knowledge Exchange

Another highlight of Powertage was the opportunity for networking and knowledge exchange. Events like the traditional Power Party by Electrosuisse provided ideal opportunities to make contacts and discuss the latest developments. Keynote speakers like Rudolf Meier and Jörg Metelmann highlighted the importance of knowledge management and cultural change for the successful implementation of the energy transition.

Looking to the Future

Powertage 2024 has impressively demonstrated that it is much more than just a trade fair. It is an indispensable meeting point for everyone who actively wants to shape the future of the energy sector. The high number of participants and the positive feedback from attendees confirm the success of the event and set a strong precedent for the coming years. The next Powertage will take place from June 16 to 18, 2026, in Zurich. Further information and current developments can be found on the Powertage website.